Post-truth Marketing in Synthetic Reality

Reality is shifting, and no one understands what’s real anymore. A new version of reality has emerged and it’s manifesting itself in strange phenomena such as Frye Fest, fake news and synthetic influencers. This version of reality – the synthetic layer – sits on top of our senses and language, and has emerged thanks to […]

Use These 3 Lessons From the Past to Create the Future of VR

My latest article for UploadVR is live! I distill lessons from some of histories best designers and media thinkers that can be applied to these early days of virtual reality. Creating for a new medium, which is still in the midst of discovering itself, can be challenging. Luckily, we have history to help guide us. Designers […]

Branded VR: Ads So Good You Won’t Look Away

I wrote a piece for UploadVR exploring how Virtual Reality will change marketing forever. Virtual Reality represents the biggest brand building opportunity in the history of marketing. Brands have long formed symbiotic relationships with emerging media technologies like print, radio, TV and social. Together, they bring the ‘new’ to the mainstream and help each other through […]