I remember a huge fight I had with my parents when I was around 12. It was a Sunday night. Simpsons night. Back when that show was the holy grail of edgy humor every 12 year old craved. But there was a problem. Schedule change. The Simpsons were on a half hour later this year. […]
Category Archives: Future of entertainment
Accelerating Toward the Future of Content
Three years ago I was Fresh Off the Car, having just graduated from Syracuse, and completed the pilgrimage to Los Angeles. I was at a bar (Most likely El Guapo, since everyone starts there. It’s like the WME mailroom of LA bars.) and got into an… altercation with a lovely lady about the future of […]
Google Wave: The emergence of a new Ecosystem, the Platform to Save Us All
I’m one day into the private beta of Google Wave. There are about one million people signed up and using it, while the rest of the world still clamors to get in (A co-worker sold an invite for $20 yesterday, and sign up URLs are going for $75). Why is everyone stumbling over themselves to […]
The Facebook Biography or: How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love my Lack of Privacy
Back in the bad good-old-days; Before Facebook, AOL, Compuserve, BBS’s, DARPANET, and computers the size of that lady I see in Coffee Bean every morning, peoples lives were mostly private. You’d have to put in some time and true effort to let the world know what you thought about last nights episode of 3 Stooges […]
Dancing and Piracy – When My Posts Combine …
According to NewTeeVee the the JK Wedding Entrance Dance (above) is Sony’s 8th most popular music video on YouTube, with nearly 26 million hits. When it was first released, Sony had a major problem. The song, Forever by Chris Brown, was their ‘property’. Lord knows Jill and Kevin Peterson didn’t pay no stinkin ASCAP fees. And […]
Is Culture Dead? Or does the Internet Just Love Random Dancing?
If you were to mention an object related to a ‘high brow’ subject to my dad (A famous painting, an unheard-of-to-my-generation author, a book from the 15th century, or rare musical recording) he’d trace back its roots (In real time, no Googling) and then either bring out that object – The honest to god original […]
Piracy: The Fight not worth Fighting
Before I get to my point, allow me to do some self congratulating give some background. I uploaded my first (horrible) video to the web in 2000. I used the Iomega Buzz to edit. Trust me, that wasn’t fun. My senior year of college, spring 2006, I pitched Google a webseries. A really cool webseries. It […]