Articles and Appearances

A selection of articles I’ve written for other publications, podcast appearances, interviews, and presentations I’ve given at conferences.

Startup Theory

I join Tom Bilyeu on Start Up Theory to talk about virtual reality, finding a co-founder, and the early days of a new business. And of course we reminisce about our time together at Quest Nutrition.

Virtual Reality Advertising Delivers Highly Memorable Brand Experiences

At RLTYCHK we wanted to discover how effective advertising can be in Virtual Reality. We teamed up with YuMe, Isobar and Retinad to run a 50 person test in our VR game show. The results were pretty amazing!

Inside the Headset with RLTY CHK

An interview with Springboard VR, the premiere VR arcade distribution platform, about designing VR Trivia Battle.

Branded VR: Ads so Good You Won’t Look Away

In this article for UploadVR, I write about the future of advertising and how immersive media will change the landscape.

GDC 2017: The 3 VR Tools That Got Us In

In this article for UploadVR, I write about the nearly impossible task of getting our VR game show ready for the Game Developers Conference.

Use These 3 Lessons From the Past to Create the Future of VR

In this article for UploadVR I examine the history of technology to better understand the current state of virtual reality.

Building a Billion Dollar Brand: The Strategy of Fun

In my keynote for SydStart, I talk about how I developed the strategy of fun to build Quest Nutrition into a billion dollar brand.

An interview with Food Navigator about launching an exclusive fan community at Quest Nutrition.

Quest Nutrition CMO Nick Robinson Reveals How He Grew the Protein Bar Company 57,000%

In this podcast, I join Eric Siu of Growth Everywhere to talk about all the unconventional techniques we used at Quest.

My First Online Community

In 2001 I launched, my first online community, designed for Maine car enthusiasts. Here is an article by The Portland Press Herald about what we were doing.